Sunday, September 20, 2009

"If history repeats itself, ..."

"...and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience." ~George Bernard Shaw

First, I would like you to read the article Empires of Absent Mind: Rome and the USA by Dr Mike Ibeji on the BBC History website and respond in a paper (requirements listed at the bottom of this entry).

Second, I would like you to then consider the Shaw quote and how it and the article applies to the United States in the present. What lessons can be learned from the Roman Empire? How does this information shape your views of American society? What cautions do you feel would be important to employ? What dangers are we facing?

This paper should be reflective, include at least one quote from Dr Ibeji's essay (properly cited, i.e. Ibeji pg. 1), and be 1-2 pages double spaced. Please do not give me a political diatribe about the current political/military situations. However, if you can draw parallels that can explained and clearly backed up you may use it has part of your paper.

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